Tuesday, December 29, 2009


I had a fight with my wife this morning and it hurts. I am not sure really why we had the fight, I guess it is the 13 -15 hour days we've been working and my illness. I hate to fight, it gives me a bad feeling like I've done something wrong but I can't work out weather it is me in the wrong or not so I guess I should just assume that it is me all the time appologise and get on with life.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Boom or Bust

Well the business is up and running. We've been trading for about four weeks now and I guess it is going well (if not somewhat slow for my liking)

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Happy Christmas

I would like to have sent personal messages but I have lost my phone, so if you ever stumble across this you'lll know who you are.