Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Variable Speed Limits

Really what is the point of the variable speed limits in Melbourne? they slow down already slow traffic to below the speed of the limit ie, I am driving in a 100 zone and we are coming passed an on ramp traffic slows to 80 just because they are all inept merging into traffic (I can almost live with that) but instead in Melbourne that decide to use the variable speed limit to change the limit to 80 and as a result the traffic slows to 60. When I was in the ACT they didn't have this variable speed limit and we all did just fine. Wouldn't the congestion be elevated by just leaving the speed limit alone? And if drivers were to have a bingle they would be off the road further elevating the congestion as well as providing needed jobs for Insurers and smash repairers.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Why I don't use Twiter

8:00am Wake up
8:30am Get up
8:45am Shower
9:30am Arrive at work
10:00am Open the shop
10:00pm Close the shop
10:15pm Eat dinner in fornt of the TV
12:00am Go to bed

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Polyamory and DeFacto relationships

The below passage was lifted from a blog on the Polyamory Australia website. I wonder what this means for Polyamorous relationships? Is the Government really catching up?

"What is a de facto relationship?

Under section 13A of the Interpretation Act (1984), a de facto relationship is defined as “a relationship (other than a legal marriage) between 2 persons who live together in a marriage-like relationship”.

In deciding what constitute a “marriage-like relationship”, the Court may look at the following factors:-

the length of the relationship between the parties;
whether the parties have lived in the same residence;
the nature and extent of common residence;
whether there is, or has been, a sexual relationship between them;
the degree of financial dependence or interdependence, and any arrangements for financial support, between them;
the ownership, use and acquisition of their property (including property they own individually);
the degree of mutual commitment by them to a shared life;
whether they care for and support children; and
the reputation and public aspects, of the relationship between them (ie. how their relationship is perceived by others, do their friends and family see them as being a couple?).

It does not matter whether it is a heterosexual or homosexual relationship, or whether either of the partners is legally married to someone else or in another de facto relationship."

Quoted from a document by Butlers Barristers & Solicitors. (www.butlers.com.au)


I take Panamax for physical pain.
I take Glucosamine Fort for Arthritis
I take Lexapro for mood stabilisation

What do you take for emotional pain???

Monday, April 5, 2010

Working 'round the house

I did some work around the the house yesterday. I mowed the back lawn and did some washing. It felt good I hope I can keep it up, I don't expect it to, hope I can surprise myself. The lawn mowing had a very "man" and "accomplished" feel about it.

Monday, February 15, 2010

I feel like I am living a lie

I really do I so want to discover myself, what if what I am dreaming of is not me is not what I want. If I am not able to discover, to try, to experience how will I ever know. Maybe I am not living a lie maybe this is the life I will want but I will never know if I yern for other things.

Where the hell is my phone

The last time I lost my phone I found it in a place my wife had already searched then within a couple of days it went missing again. I think my wife is stealing my phone, I have had enough I think I will shut it off, just disconnect it, there is no point having a mobile phone if you can never have it. .oO(or is my paranoia).

Just appologise

It is just not worth it I just need to appologise in such a way that does not arrouse suspisions as I can never remember enough of the details to make an accurate assessment of who is right. I think she knows too and uses it to argue more efficently .oO(or just my paranoia running away with me).

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The new Polyamory Australia site

I was trying to sign up to the Polyamory Australia site today and the damn thing wouldn't let me enter the code in the picture.


As a son of an alcoholic & a sufferer of chronic depression it is such a struggle for me to not take up the torch that my father has passed to me and become an alcoholic. I wonder what it would be like some times though. Currently I abstain from alcohol .oO(mainly because my wife is scared of me becoming a boozer) but I don't believe that is beating it, it is more like avoiding it.

Sad Days

Today my wife went into hospital for surgery. I was quite a sad experience having to leave her there. I am crossing everything I have that things go well.